Urban Motion Marvels

Cardboard Connections

Keo Stanat

Scoring, Brad, Tabs, Slot + Tab, Slotting

I didn't learn much from this practice because we have already done a class on cardboard connections.

CardBoard Attachments

Zephyr Cullen

I do this a lot so no new insights came to me. The strongest connection is the triangle. Can and should be used for anything.

Cardboard 101: Cutting, Shaping, and Joining

Kate James


Cardboard 101


In this workshop, you will focus on mastering various cardboard manipulation techniques demonstrated in the presentation. Instead of creating a prototype, your goal is to recreate 3-5 techniques learned during the session.

Duration: ~1-2 hrs


  • Various types of cardboard (corrugated, chipboard, etc.)
  • Scissors
  • Utility knife
  • Ruler
  • Pencil
  • Cutting mat
  • Tape
  • Skewers


1. Introduction to Cardboard Techniques:

  • Review the presentation on cardboard manipulation techniques, paying close attention to the demonstrations and explanations of each method.

2. Technique Replication:

  • Select 3-5 techniques from the presentation that you would like to recreate.
  • Gather the necessary materials listed above.
  • Using the provided cardboard and tools, attempt to replicate each chosen technique following the instructions provided in the presentation.
  • Take your time to ensure accuracy and precision in your execution of each technique.

3. Experimentation and Refinement:

  • As you work on replicating the techniques, feel free to experiment with variations or combinations to enhance your understanding.
  • Seek guidance from the instructor or classmates if you encounter challenges or need clarification on any aspect of the techniques.

4. Documentation:

  • Document your progress by taking clear photos or videos of each technique you successfully recreate.
  • Write brief descriptions or notes alongside each documentation to explain the process and any insights gained during the replication.

5. Presentation and Reflection:

  • Prepare a brief presentation to showcase the techniques you have recreated.
  • Share your documentation with the class, explaining the steps involved in each technique and any observations or lessons learned during the process.
  • Reflect on the experience of replicating the techniques and discuss how you can apply them in future projects or creative endeavors.


Documentation (photos or gifs) of 3-5 cardboard manipulation techniques successfully recreated


A simple machine is a mechanical device that changes the direction or magnitude of a force.

A simple machine is a mechanical device that changes the direction or magnitude of a force.

*Animated GIFs courtesy of https://dribbble.com/mrlanning


Kate James



Kate James


Car "Thingy" Generator

Keenan Gray


Congratulations! And Final Survey :)

Joselyn McDonald

Congratulations, you've completed a NuVu Studio! 

At this stage, you should make sure your final presentations are uploaded on the platform. If you used Google Slides, make sure you clicked the "anyone with this link can view" link-sharing option, so others can see your presentation. 

Now it's time to reflect and share your thoughts on the studio experience. Fill out the post-studio survey here: https://forms.gle/5eZk2LGw5p4C5vUb9

Prototyping Fast

Jiyoo Jye

Sketching Your Ideas

Luis Carbajal