1 Radical Ecologies: Environmental Brainstorm


future environment

Jullian I. Martinez

what would happen if Washington had global warming. Ancient ice glaciers are shrinking sea levels are rising 


UK winters are projected to become warmer and wetter on average. although cold or dry winters will still occur sometimes

in Australia is becoming hotter, and more prone to extreme heat, bushfires, droughts, floods and longer fire seasons because of climate change. and the will be a lot of eat thanks to the wildfire 

A report from the state climatologist finds that the state is experiencing hotter days with less relief from high temperatures at night. Climate change has made the Texas heat worse, with less relief as nighttime temperatures warm. 

Heat waves are becoming more common, snow is melting earlier in spring—and in southern California, less rain is falling as well. In the coming decades, the changing climate is likely to further decrease the supply of water, increase the risk of wildfires, and threaten coastal development and ecosystems.

Enviromantal Brainstorm

Mindy E. Astudillo