Rocket Car Racers


Rocket Car Propulsion.pdf


Solving for the speeds that our CO2 cars will reach at certain distances using math and physics. 


Print the attached PDF so that each student will be able to follow along in this physics exploration. 


At the end of this activity, each student should have an understanding of the relationship between position, speed, acceleration and why calculus exists. 

Gravity Physics

Aaron Laniosz



Free Body Diagram (answers).pdf
Free Body Diagram Templates.pdf


Newtonian physics, also known as classical mechanics, is a system of physics that describes mechanical events. It uses the laws of gravitation and motion to explain how forces act on matter.


We will learn Newton's laws of motion to gain a greater understanding of the physics behavior of our race cars. We will do this by comparing drop and roll speeds as well as drawing free body diagrams. 


A collection of free-body diagrams that illustrate the forces acting on a pinewood derby car in different situations. 




In this activity, you'll dive into the world of aerodynamics, learning how it influences the design of cars. By understanding the principles of aerodynamics, you’ll sketch your own car design that optimizes air flow and reduces drag. 

Duration: ~2 hours


  • Paper
  • Pencils and erasers
  • Colored pencils or markers
  • Ruler
  • Protractor
  • Reference images of aerodynamic cars (Precedents)
  • Internet access for research (optional)


  1. Introduction to Aerodynamics:

    • Use the presentation to understand more about aerodynamics. Bring your precedent research into the discussion to exemplify what you are learning. 
      • Discuss key concepts such as drag, lift, and how different shapes influence air flow.
      • Review real-world examples of aerodynamic cars and highlight their design features.
  2. Sketching Your Aerodynamic Car:

    • With your partner, choose 1-3 ideas from the brainstorming session and start a detailed sketch on a clean sheet of paper.
    • Use a ruler and protractor to ensure precision in your design.
    • Focus on creating smooth, flowing lines and shapes that minimize drag.
    • Add details like spoilers, diffusers, and other aerodynamic features.
    • Enhance your sketch with colored pencils or markers to highlight different components.
  3. Reflection and Discussion:

    • Present your sketches to the class and explain the aerodynamic features of your design.
    • Discuss the challenges you faced and how you overcame them.
    • Reflect on how understanding aerodynamics can influence other aspects of design and engineering.


  • A detailed sketch of your aerodynamic car design

Precedent (design) - an earlier example or guide to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances. 

Symmetry - in everyday life refers to a sense of harmonious and beautiful proportion and balance. In geometry, identically mirrored across an axis. 

Aerodynamic - having a shape which reduces the drag or friction from air particles moving past.

Hatch (design) - an artistic technique used to create tonal or shading effects by drawing closely spaced parallel lines

Acceleration - The rate at which an object changes velocity. Often measured in the units of (m/s²)

Inertia - the tendency of objects in motion to stay in motion, and objects at rest to stay at rest, unless a force causes its speed or direction to change.

Grit (sand paper) - a rating of the size of the abrasive particles embedded in the sandpaper. The lower the grit the faster the sanding

Critique (design) - analyzing a design, and giving feedback with the goal of improvement.

Thrust - When a vehicle expels mass in one direction, the accelerated mass will cause a force of equal magnitude but opposite direction to be applied to that vehicle 

Newton (unit of force) - force that would give a mass of one kilogram an acceleration of one meter per second per second

Primer (painting) - a preparatory first coating before painting. Priming ensures better adhesion of paint  and provides additional protection for the material being painted.

Coats (painting) - when painting, multiple layers are often applied once the first layers are dried to achieve a more complete covering of paint

Drag Coefficient - quantifies the resistance of an object relative to its frontal area as it moves through a fluid.

Exponential - exponential increase is a process that increases quantity over time at an ever-increasing rate.



The goal of brainstorming is to create a generative list of ideas for potential projects you can continue exploring.

Duration: ~1-2 hrs


Review the Brainstorming deck below to get started with the brainstorming process, and think back to all of your discussions, precedent analysis, and field research thus far.

Part 1: Individual Brainstorm

Individually, come up with as many ideas for CO2-powered drag racers. Explore the precedent research you've done to inspire ideas. Consider different aspects of car design, focusing on aerodynamics, rolling resistance, and inertia. Think outside of the box. This is the time to engage in wild ideas!

Use the following categories to find inspiration for your brainstorming:

  • Aerodynamic shapes
  • Innovative materials
  • Unique propulsion mechanisms
  • Artistic designs inspired by nature or animals

Part 2: Whiteboard Brainstorm

Now it's your time to shine. Share 2-3 of your favorite ideas with the class. Your teacher will facilitate a group discussion around ideas using the whiteboard. They will help to categorize ideas in clusters based on similarity.

Note: At this stage of the design process, brainstorming project ideas are shared amongst everyone - no matter who had the idea initially.

Part 3: Partner Brainstorm

The initial list from Part 1 and the insights gained from the whiteboard session are going to seed the rest of your brainstorming process and facilitate the idea-generation process.

Your task is to narrow your list down to 3 project ideas to share with a partner who had similar ideas to you. Let your partner know which of their ideas you think are particularly exciting. Feel free to come up with a few new ideas once you hear about your partner's ideas. Maybe something new occurs to you now. Run with it!

After you rapidly share with one another, sketch 2-3 of your favorite ideas. Remember to add which mechanisms you would like to incorporate into your designs and how these mechanisms can improve the car's performance.


At the end of the Brainstorming Activity, you will inform your teacher of three ideas you would be most excited to pursue.

Profile Sketching

Aaron Laniosz



Block Profile Template.pdf


Before you dive into shaping our wooden blocks, we should first explore what possible shapes we can choose to design. Each person will develop three possible options, then through group discussion and critique, we will chose the one design that we will create. 


Each person should receive a printed template of three blocks to draw overtop of. Remember your inspiration and feel free to search for more inspiration and you sketch. Start with light pencil lines and then darken in with marker once you have your profiles. You can hatch with pencil the areas that you will cut away. 


Each person should have three distinct designs to choose from drawn out in marker at the end of the activity. 

Car Design Research

Aaron Laniosz




Before designing and carving our pinewood cars, we will first research car design examples that we like. We can draw inspiration from these cars for the design of our own.  


We will search the internet to find representative images of your favorite cars. Be sure to find images that show the characteristics that you can draw inspiration from. Saving these images, we will verbally present to the rest of the class how this car can inspire your design. 


A collection of pictures of your inspiration car to support a 1-2 minute verbal presentation.